Pay per click is a means of advertising through search engines, advertising networks, relevant websites and blogs, wherein, you place your ads in any of the mentioned places and pay for just the number of clicks received through those ads. On any advertising platforms, slots for placing advertisements are usually priced differently. For example, the top most or the otherwise most conspicuous advertising space goes to the highest bidder.
Easy as it may seem at first look, PPC is actually a very competitive area brimming with companies trying to get browsers to their websites. A casually selected advertising platform or a wrongly chosen frequency of advertising may result in a significantly lower click through rate than a professional can easily help you achieve.
At ORS InfoTech, we work at designing highly efficient PPC strategies for a variety of Companies. Our clients have seen a substantial increase in their ROI after they started outsourcing their online marketing projects to us.
Before anything else, we like to know all we can about your target market. This step acts as a sturdy base for building a powerful PPC marketing campaign.
Keywords are one of the best cues in determining the right platform for putting up an advertisement. Our team of professionals specializes in keyword analysis.
This gives us an edge over others vying for the same space.
Just getting a user to click on your advertisement will not fetch any considerable benefits unless the landing page is well designed. We put in a good amount of effort into building landing pages that encourage a user for further browsing on your website.
A PPC campaign needs to have a well-stipulated budget. We have the experience and expertise to fix just the optimum budget for your campaign.
Our teams at ORS InfoTech are very particular about constantly monitoring the progress of all PPC campaigns at hand. The strong observation and analysis ensures a smoothly flowing and profitable campaign.
We put in our best resources and knowledge into creating PPC campaigns poised for success, and then we give them all regular support and upgrades for making them do just what you intended them to do!