This is feature will show all information about school. It will show school address, school contact detail, school principal name and other detail, school owner detail, school admin staff detail etc. It is just information tab which help parents to know about school.
It will show user to download daily and weekly home work class wise. Daily and weekly work files in PDF format. This format can be change as per school requirement. Right now teacher has to write home work on each student notebook or teacher has to give copy of home work paper to each student, so if a class has a 60 students so teacher need 60 copies or teacher has to write in 60 students notebook so some time student has to write and this is one subject, if student has 5 subjects so all subject teacher has to write, So if teacher write home work in one DOC and upload in system so all the parents download homework, it will save 1-2 hrs each subject teacher time with papers. If one class has 5 sections then one doc will work for all five sections.
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School will share information about event or news, like if annual day coming so school can share date any news also school can share. Daily notifications will help you never forget anything. Send Circular easy to whole school.
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Parent can see his or her kids report cart once it upload, Even then do not need to wait and come to the school. It will show student attendance also. Report card has grades and marks subject wise.
In the School teacher or student has write diary notes, now just teacher has the write diary notes in the system and it will directly goes to parents. Teacher can share instant reminders, quick small notes and images with parents to keep them up-to date with their children’s progress and activities.
Parent can directly pay fees online using Credit Card, Debit Card or Bank Transfer, School can send fees reminders, lot time will be save in taking manual fees and then go to bank and deposit etc. it will be one step to digitalization of education landscape in India.
Teacher can send message to student parents about student performance and if teacher allow then parent can also reply to teacher so it will save lot of time of teacher and parents.
It will eliminate miscommunication – Teachers can directly communicate with Parents, give feedback or share updates related to school
Calendar will show whole year time table, leave information and everything so parents can plan their holiday and other thing in advance.
Easy to access and daily schedule always at hand